Saadi (سعدی) (1291/1292-1210)

Death: 1291/1292
Location: Saadi Mausoleum, Shiraz, Fars, Iran
Photos taken by: Omid Hatami & Ipaat

Abū-Muhammad Muslih al-Dīn bin Abdallāh Shīrāzī (ابومحمد مصلح الدین بن عبدالله شیرازی‎) better known by his pen-name as Saʿdī (سعدی‎) or simply Saadi, was one of the major Persian poets of the medieval period. He is not only famous in Persian-speaking countries, but has also been quoted in western sources. He is recognized for the quality of his writings and for the depth of his social and moral thoughts.
His best known works are Bustan / The Orchard completed in 1257 and Gulistan / The Rose Garden (1258). Bustan is entirely in verse and consists of stories aptly illustrating the standard virtues recommended to Muslims (justice, liberality, modesty, contentment) as well as of reflections on the behavior of dervishes and their ecstatic practices. Gulistan is mainly in prose and contains stories and personal anecdotes. 
