Death: 12th May 1925
Location: Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States
Cause of death: Cerebral hemorrhage
Photo taken by: Midnightdreary
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by Amy Lowell
American poet of the imagist school who posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1926 for What’s O’Clock. Her first published work appeared in 1910 in Atlantic Monthly. The first published collection of her poetry, A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass, appeared two years later in 1912. In the post-World War I years, Lowell, like other women writers, was largely forgotten, but with the renaissance of the women's movement in the 1970s, women's studies brought her back to light.
Location: Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States
Cause of death: Cerebral hemorrhage
Photo taken by: Midnightdreary
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Lowell was said to be lesbian, and in 1912 she and actress Ada Dwyer Russell were reputed to be lovers. Russell is reputed to be the subject of her more erotic work. The two women travelled to England together, where Lowell met Ezra Pound, who at once became a major influence and a major critic of her work. Lowell has been linked romantically to writer Mercedes de Acosta, but the only evidence of any contact between them is a brief correspondence. Lowell was a short but imposing figure who kept her hair in a bun and wore a pince-nez. She smoked cigars constantly, claiming that they lasted longer than cigarettes.